This website is committed to promoting only the best colleges where you can study CIMA. It is important to us that your studies are a success. The best way to make sure your studies are successful is to have a successful college at your back, supporting you all the way.
College SA
College SA is one of the most reputable distance learning colleges in South Africa. They have been faithfully serving student for many years. They focus on giving the best service, the best courses and the best qualifications.
College SA [SA College of Home Study (Pty) Ltd] is Provisionally Registered as a Private FET College in terms of the Further Education and Training Colleges Act, 2006 (Act No.16 of 2006) until 31 December 2015. Registration Number: 2009/FE07/099. Certificate Number 0362-P.
College SA offers all the CIMA courses. You can contact them here:
Cape Town office:
Toll free number: 0800 21 23 22
From outside SA: +27 12 323 3001
E-mail address:
Fax number: 086 520 5080
Pretoria registration office:
Toll free number: 0800 21 23 22
From outside SA: +27 12 323 3001
E-mail address:
Fax number: 086 513 2713